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Plenary Meeting, Lisbon, 27-28 April 2015 - presentations

Plenary Meeting, Lisbon, 27-28 April 2015


Monday 27th April

Session 1: Welcome and views from multi-lateral agreements

Chair: Claudia Cordovil, University of Lisbon. Meeting host and co-chair of the UNECE Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen (TFRN)

Following a brief introduction to their framework, each of the following speakers were asked to outline their priorities for how Towards INMS could support their policy process, and how their policy process could engage with Towards INMS.

Session 2: Sharing the INMS vision and baseline activities

Session 3: Reflections and Engagement – Statements from Country Stakeholders

Chair: Wilfried Winiwarter, Director of the European Centre of INI.

Session 4: Reflections and Engagement – IGOs, Business and NGOs

Chair: Jean Ometto, INI Regional Director for Latin America

Session 5: Science Examples and Nitrogen Dating

Chair: Mark Sutton, INI: In this session speakers are asked to reflect on an example area of nitrogen science and show how it could contribute to the work of Towards INMS.

Structured Discussion: The Nitrogen Dating Game.

Clare Howard, UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology. Introduction to the Nitrogen Dating Game: Organizing INMS to support global and regional nitrogen policy (pdf)

Breakout into the Nitrogen Dating Game: (rapporteurs for each component in parenthesis)

  • Policies and Analysis of Nitrogen Strategies (PANS): (Till Spranger)
  • Fluxes and Levels Assessment Group (FLAG): (Will Brownlie)
  • Sustainability and Threats Assessment Group (STAG): (Cargele Masso)
  • Budgets and Indicators Development (BID): (Albert Bleeker)
  • Costs and Benefits Assessment Group (CBAG): (Baojing Gu)
  • Societal & Technical Options Responses Group (STORG): (Clare Howard)

Tuesday 28th April

Session 6: Regional Demonstration and other aspects of the project.

Chair: Cargele Masso: INI Regional Centre Director for Africa

General Discussion, clarifying the role of the regional demonstrations Document

Parallel Working Groups

Feedback from Parallel Working Groups and discussion (moving toward agreement on the selection of demonstration areas)

General discussion: priorities and challenges for the regional demos

Session 7: Summing up INMS Approach and relationship with global and regional inter-governmental processes.

Chair: Anna Engleryd, Chair of LRTAP Convention

General discussion on direction setting, priority needs and approaches

Relationship between eventual INMS and inter-governmental processes.

Session 8: Developing INMS Procedures

General Discussion and agreements

  1. Proposal for Agreement on Towards INMS mission statement
  2. Proposal for Agreement on Selection of Regional Demonstration Areas
  3. Proposal for Agreement on Governance and Management Structures

Following this Session 8 the following extra presentations were made, as time was available.

Sara Walker WRI. WRI and Towards inms first plenary meeting (pdf)

Ying Zhang. School of Nature Conservation, Beijing Forestry University. Wetlands into Considered as both Sources and Sinks (pdf)

Gulay Besirili. Ataturk Central Horticultural Research Institute. Minsitry of food, agriculture and livestock (pdf)

Theodore Karyotis. Institute for Soil Mapping and Classification. Rational Nitrogen Fertilization Plans for selected crops in dry and wet regions of Turkey (pdf)

Continuation on General Discussion and Agreements

Sharing information on the future calendar (2015-2019)

Reviewing action points and any other business

Close of meeting