INMS Lisbon Background Documents
This page provides links to background and supporting documents for the INMS Lisbon meeting. The document number is given in italics and can be found in the top left hand corner of all background documents.
Please note that where links are missing we are yet to upload the documents, but they will be added as soon as possible.
The final Agenda for the meeting (v22-4-15) [INMS/PPG/2015.2.3]
Background Documents
Summary Briefing note on Towards INMS [INMS/PPG/2015.2.4]
Briefing note on Towards INMS including regional demonstrations [INMS/PPG/2015.2.1]
Selection of Regional Demonstrations in 'Towards INMS' [INMS/PPG/2015.2.6]
INMS Lisbon: Further information on Regional Demonstrations in ‘Towards INMS’ [INMS/PPG/2015.2.5]
Supporting Documents
NUE and Indicator Documents
The following documents provide views on nitrogen use efficiency and/or indicators from the community.
Nitrogen Use Efficiency (NUE) - an indicator for the utilization of nitrogen in food systems: by the EU Nitrogen Expert Panel
Economy-wide nitrogen balances and indicators: concept and methodology - prepared for the OECD
Nitrogen Management in Agriculture
Article on the recent BASF Meeting
Posters from Working Groups during the recent BASF 'Nitrogen Fireside Chat' workshop.
Background Documents for the INMS Pump Priming workshop (Edinburgh 5-6 May 2015)
1. Prioritising Nitrogen Threats and Benefits: Which issues need to be linked when developing integrated modelling capability?
2. Policy Linkages: What are the priority measures needed for better nitrogen management that should be included in models?
3. Issue/Compartmental Linkages: How should different compartments of the nitrogen cycle be linked
when formulating nitrogen integrated assessment models?
Documents from NGO's
WWF-NL Science brief 2015 - Nitrogen:Too much of a vital resource