INMS Validation Process
**************Comments are now closed, many thanks to those that submitted comments via webform, email etc.************
We have made progress with the INMS project paperwork and are now able to share draft documents with you for review and validation. However, due to tight deadlines, we need all comments by/on 12th April. All partners to the project should have been sent a link to download the relevant files, however if you have not received a link and would like to view the documents and make comments, please contact us as at and we will share the link with you.
We welcome both comments to improve the documents AND general comments of support to indicate your agreement. You are invited to send us comments on any/all of the posted documents and you are encouraged to do this on a document by document basis, to allow us to process them as soon as possible.
Please provide comments using the following webform [NOW CLOSED].
You will notice in the Component Annexes, that we have provided provisional nominations for Component, Activity and Task Leader roles. These are persons who have expertise in the relevant areas and have helped to develop the concepts in the document drafts. However, due to the rules of pre-selection, the confirmation of these roles will not occur until the Inception meeting, at which point the General Assembly will be asked to endorse the nominated Task, Activity and Component Leaders. We welcome all your comments including where you think we have the balance right and appropriate expertise as well as your suggestions if you think improvements can be made.