INMS Plenary Meeting - Detailed Agenda
A more detailed agenda for the INMS meeting can be found below, or downloaded here. The meeting report can be accessed here.
Monday 27th April
Session 1: Introduction (9.00-10.30)
- Presentation: INMS concept and vision, science in support of international nitrogen policy development. (Mark Sutton)
- Plenary Discussion
Session 2: Reflections and Engagement – Statements from Countries (11.00-12.00)
[This session provides country representatives with the chance to present their vision of engagement with Towards INMS. Representatives should register their interest to speak when completing the meeting registration form.]
Session 3: Reflections and Engagement – Policy Bodies and Inter-Governmental Organisations (12.00-13.00)
[This session provides policy bodies and IGO’s with the chance to present their vision of engagement with Towards INMS. Representatives should register their interest to speak when completing the meeting registration form.]
Session 4: Business and Non-Governmental Organisations (14.00-15.00)
[This session provides Business and NGO’s with the chance to present their vision of engagement with Towards INMS. Representatives should register their interest to speak when completing the meeting registration form.]
Session 5: Science Partners (15.30-16.30)
[This session provides scientists with the chance to present their vision of engagement with Towards INMS. Representatives should register their interest to speak when completing the meeting registration form]
Session 6: Wrap-up/reflections for Day One (16.30-17.00)
Tuesday 28th April
Session 7: Regional Demonstration Activities (9.00-10.30)
- Introduction to the demonstration activities: Global vs Regional Priorities [30 mins] Mark Sutton
- Parallel Working Groups (one per regional case study: South Asia, East Asia, East Europe, East Africa, Latin America) [1h30]
Session 7: Regional demonstration activities, continued. (11.00-12.00)
- Feedback from Parallel Working Groups (approx 10 minutes per group)
Session 8: Summing up the INMS Vision and Approach, including relationship with other intergovernmental processes. [1hr] (13.00-14.00)
Session 9: Developing Procedures (14.00-15.30)
- Introduction (overview of items to be discussed)
- Discussion (in plenary)
- Required Timeline (actions to be completed by June 2015)
- Developing Governance Structures
- Refining Roles and Developing Partner Buy-in
- Co-financing – rules and preparing to move toward ‘Letters of Commitment’
Session 9: Procedures, continued. (16.00-16.30)
- Continue discussion items from previous session.
Session 10: Close – agreeing action points. (16.30-17.00)