International Nitrogen Management System
Welcome to the International Nitrogen Management System website
On this website you will find further information on the project and associated projects, relevant documents, news and events.
Final Pro-Doc and Annexes [update 29-11-16]
If you would like a pdf copy of the final Pro-Doc and associated annexes of the project, you can download it here. !!!!!NOTE filesize is 15MB!!!!
[Update 21-10-16]
INMS Endorsement & Launch of 'Towards INMS' at INMS-2 in Melbourne
Although the contract still has to be signed, the GEF CEO Endorsement is a key milestone that now allows us to “upgrade” the planned INMS meeting in Melbourne to include the Launch of “Towards INMS”;3-4 Dec 2016; see here for more information.
Further information and the endorsement letter, can be found in the letter to partners, here. Further information on the INMS-2 meeting, including how to register, can be found here.
What is the project?
'Targeted Research for improving understanding of the Global Nitrogen Cycle towards the establishment of an International Nitrogen Management System (INMS)' is a project proposal to the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Trust Fund. INMS is a science-policy support process that brings together people, information, approaches, indicators, cost-benefit analysis, regional demonstration, etc as a basis to support governments and others through international nitrogen policy processes. The big message is to count the co-benefits of a joined-up nitrogen approach. By addressing better management across the nitrogen cycle, we can contribute to improving Economy-Wide Nitrogen Use Efficiency, while reducing surplus that would often be wasted as pollution.
How is it being administered?
The project is funded through the International Waters Focal Area of the Global Environment Facility (GEF), and implemented by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). It is executed through the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), and its Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (CEH), based in Edinburgh, on behalf of the International Nitrogen Initiative (INI).
At what stage is the project?
More Towards INMS Questions & Answers can be found here.
The information is also available as a pdf file, which you can find here.
‘Towards INMS’ is a developing initiative in cooperation with many partners. The logos here represent just a few of the groups involved. Developing a full logo collection, including those of project partners, is work in progress as we move towards developing letters for commitment.